Sunday 27 November 2016

Comet Pizza & Wormwood (Part 1)

What should have been obvious to me from the start was delayed. 

I cannot understand why it took me so long to arrive at the obvious conclusion and see what was being displayed. It just proves the Dark Magic has us all under a trance and unable to see what is in front of us.

I showed how Macaulay Culkin is connected to Pizza and Pizzagate in a previous article.

The major connections is the film Deep Impact which I had discussed and decoded years ago on a previous blog.

The major theme in this movie is a "Comet".

Subliminal Penis and Anus is obvious now considering the theme at Comet Pizza.


I broke down all the gematria in 2013 and even then I had stumbled onto this Comet code.

I didn't know that in November of 2016 PizzaGate would take center stage.

I wrote even more articles about Comet Ison.

So what is all this Comet insanity and how does it all tie into PizzaGate?

So keeping in mind wormwood I found this. 

So keeping in mind wormwood I found this.

Notice the "green" goo .... very similar to the wormwood "potion".

More to follow

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