Tuesday 20 December 2016

Who Is Ryder Ripps? (Part 1)

 Who is Ryder Ripps?

How is he connected to all this madness?
How is this connected to PizzaGate?

The hardest part is starting.

The pizza code is present here ...
What exactly does it mean though?
Ryder Ripps...and Pizza...
"People are fake, pizza is real"
Review my "Doc Savage-Ian Boulton" articles to understand his connections to all this.

Ryder Ripps has the website that is connected to Ian Boulton and some other very disturbing content...
"An Earlier Internet" ...
What does he mean by this?
Why is "Soylent" on his page?
So Doc Savage has a connection to Biology..
As shown in a previous article he is a "Biochemist"... if this is at all true...
He speaks of cannibalism...

The fact he mentions "Infant" is suspect...
More Ryder Ripps "Art"...
Notice the Spiral on the board ...
It is a known Pedophile symbol ...
"Theatre of Pain" ... really ...
Take note of the masks ...
Here is Ryder Ripps with his "artwork"...
Notice the camera "Omni-movie"
This is Omni-Eros (Omni Eris)
A friend of Doc Savage (Ian Boulton)
The colour code is important to take notice of...
Aqua Teal...
As well as realising the Artificial Intelligence component to all of this...
Review my article on PizzaGate "Zebra" code to understand ...


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  2. In order for what they do from their essence to breathe beyond the bounds of their hiding places (including the ones in plain sight), they must project and extrude, externalize and extrovert what they are in their secrecy, so that the public spaces become more amenable to the semi-covert liaisons and fronts and subliminal presenters, and less resistant to the subtexts, semantics, undertones, and underlying themes. They obtain a lot of this through cinema and novels, music, porn, and other so-called "art". The final goal is to make it official that what they do is their unique privilege, that they can do it as they please, and that everyone else is in an underclass that better just cooperate. They can assist THIS process by undermining the rights of citizens by creating false issues about false rights (like trans serving in military, which isn't a right for anyone anyway), they holohoax (tm), pedophilia is a sexual orientation, torture is good for stopping terrorism and is cool and patriotic, as is submitting to spying and joining in on it, disarming the public and censoring them as "they" see fit (no hate speech, no guns unless we say you're safe, and we'll define safe!). It goes on and on. They are just trying to "get out" of their evil-closet, because being open is where the power is, and is the final "space" of honor and dignity for them to violate, and then they can make each person a little open-air slave and commodity like they do ritually and in secret now.
