Tuesday 6 December 2016

In Regards To Shelley Duvall (Part 1)

No one will help this woman in the way she needs it; being listened to and treated seriously and not treated as if she is crazy.

I will help you Shelley.
I will listen and try my best to understand.

She is trying to tell us something.
Something she doesn't quite understand but still makes sense.

What got me looking deeper into what she said on the recent Dr Phil episode was the mention of Ground Zero and Triple Zero.
So I did a google search.

Looks like Shelley is onto something big ...
So what is this Triple Zero really all about ?
So there is a connection to the NFL ?
In her words she says

"They started out with Ground Zero and Triple Zero. 
It's like when a nun at some place tells you 
"You're almost Triple Zero"

Looking further into the Triple Zero connections brings us to Australia.

And it involves children naturally ...

So the Triple Zero in Australia connects back to Counter Terrorism.
I'm sure others could look deeper and find many interesting connections here.

Looking further into the Kids Challenge "Triple Zero" reveals a serious problem that should be scrutinized.

This is some very sinister stuff "hidden in plain sight".
Who are the "Zeros"???
Lets just say I was "attacked" by a person who sent me this song.
This Ground Zero-Triple Zero stuff is serious and
Shelley Duvall is not mentally ill or crazy.
The Star Wars universe has a connection to Triple Zero as well.

There has already been established a Stabley Kubrick-Artificial Intelligence connection as shown in his films but what is very curious is the connection Triple Zero has to it.
Let us take a look.

Very interesting in light of Shelley Duvall's comments on Triple Zero.
It is no surprise she is confused.
I myself am wondering exactly is going on now.
2016 which makes all of this quite recent.

Considering Shelley's "Nun" comment as well in light of her last movie before retiring.

Keep in mind I like to stretch my connections.

Perhaps I am stretching it a bit, but the Nun connection is something I won't overlook.

Shirley Jones stars in this film as well, and if one is familiar with the work of Ed Charini then one knows there is a Hillary Clinton connection as well.

Remember Shelley Duvall mention Robin Williams not being dead but "Shape-Shifting".

Shape-shifter indeed...

Shelley Duvall is so courageous to come forward and speak about what is concerning her and what she is afraid of and what she has been going through.

She is under attack and I for one refuse to label it "mental illness".
I see a woman who is confused and is trying to communicate what she knows and understands. She isnt wrong.

So let us continue breaking down this "Triple Zero" code as well as other comments by Shelley referring to the "Insects" because I have just found something that proves she knows what she is talking about to a large extent.

Seems this Triple Zero thing is something...
"Here's this insect, it's about this long, it's stripped on the abdomen like a Yellow Jacket".
Now what I want to know is how she connected the Insect and Triple Zero, because above
you can clearly see the correlation.
Thank You Shelley for speaking out.

Shelley spoke of them harming her spinal cord and these insects are involved.

My own experiences with being "attacked" involved the "Zero" code as well as "Insects" but it was in a way, to this date I am unable to explain in any coherent fashion.

So we have established now the Triple Zero-Insect connection.
Shelley Duvall is correct and people are indeed attacking her.

So at this point I must ask, what is Triple Zero?

What are these Insects?

Someone has the answer.

This one is very important and I can't believe it.
Now in The Shining which stars Shelley Duvall there is Room 237 in the Hotel.
This room is supposedly the Moon Room where Kubrick directed the moon landing.
The clue to this all is that it really is room 217 ... so we have a 217 connection to Triple Zero ...
But why ? The Artificial Intelligence?

If Triple Zero is an Artificial Intelligence much like HAL 9000 in Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey then it becomes apparent the connection to the number 217.

The moon is where the monolith was found.

There is so much more here than I currently wish to delve into. 
It is a complex subject that no one has touched and I am sure Kubrick fans and those who analyze his work will find this recent development highly interesting and curious.

Is Stanley Kubrick aware of Triple Zero???

Well ... there is the Triple Zero ...

There is the scene in 2001 ASO where HAL 9000 tries to lie to the astronauts.

Mission Control refers to the computer as "triple zero".

000 or OOO which is 666 on the telephone...

So what does it all mean?

I don't know but it's 4am and I am too tired to continue writing about this.