Wednesday 21 December 2016

Ian Boulton, Andrej Koymasky & Ryder Ripps: The Connections (Part 1)

I suppose first of all I should show how all this madness connects.

How does DocSavage-Ian Boulton connect to Andrej Koymasky? 
Simple. His biography is on Koymasky's website.

So who is Matt and Andrej Koymasky?

Below we have a picture of Andrej Koymasky, the man who has Ian Boulton's biography on his website.

And it goes to show exactly what this "Koymasky" guy is into when you google his name and look at the images.

It is child pornography.

So then we go to one of his websites to investigate and we find a rabbit hole that leads to the highest people in power.

Nude male on the website ...
Sexual Innuendo ...
Do they mean killing people by "going" ?
Is the bar code related to "taragrace4" ?
Here is the Rabbit Hole ...
Clicking the image on the webpage above brings you to the webpage below.
Interesting link ....
Prolapse has to do with abuse of the rectum ...
Another site that you can get to from Internet Archaeology.
Alot of weird stuff.
This is what Koymasky has links to.

Now who is Ryder Ripps and how does he factor in?
Let us continue.

The New York Times did a piece on Ryder Ripps.
So when we look at Ryder Ripps' website we find the very same name for
Andrej Koymasky's website ...
And of course a Death/Burial theme ...
These people are involved in murder ...
Yes, here is Ryder Ripps with Kanye West ...
But why ? Article link below.

So this Ryder Ripps, who has a connection to "Internet Archaeology", which relates back to Andrej Koymasky's website, has some extensive connections in the world. 

Kanye West, New York Times ...

Looking more at Koymasky's website and what is featured on it reveals much regarding who these people are and what it is they are involved in.

"Pedeville" ... Pedestry?
Pedophilia ?
Remember Ian Boulton's biography was on this guy's site.
A list of gay people ... not creepy at all ...

On this list we find "Leonor Fini". 

The Rome-Italy connection to this Cannibal cult cannot be underplayed.
This isn't art, this is PizzaGate type Cannibalism...
On Koymasky's website we see the CHI RHO, Roman Symbol.
The Romans were Homosexuals.
Interesting choice of "art" Ryder Ripps ...
Here is Ryder Ripps with the notorious spiral symbol behind him ...
Ian Boulton is associated with this symbol via his "taragrace4" account's' ...
I show the connection between the masks, "Koymasky" and Omni Eros aka
Michael Chem Thompson who is also a homosexual.
Nice "art" Ryder Ripps ...
We see below "Ian" (Doc Savage" Boulton is on the list ...
And if you wanted to understand the cloud colouring on Koymasky's website in relation
to Ingress (Anal Sex I think) and the video game sporting the downward triangle ..
(NOTE - Sid Spencer is also listen on Koymasky's gay website)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. omg this motherfucker links us to a site that hasn't been updated since 2001 and expects us to believe any of this and the comic sans too shit about the girl too this is too good
