Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Deciphering PizzaGate (Part 6)

Most at this point are aware of this Raccoon Pizza Party children's book.
I'm sure no one has properly decoded the imagery in this book though.

So, we should establish the Pizza-Switzerland connection...
Swiss Guard, colours match up.
Saturn (Pb Lead related)
And the Acorns...
Is there a connection to this ACORN?
Masks, and a very sexually suggestive scene for those who see it ....
The "Broom" code is weird and I'm not sure at this time what it means precisely...
The Laser-Broom code ...
Pigs are connected back to the Cannibal Rapists...
Again Saturn is there, and the Broom code ... this episode is from the Cartoon Network ...

I would go into more detail but there is much to do and focus on ...

Gangstalked & Murdered: Exposing Vetaliy Shklyar's Killers (Part 1)

So when I learned of this boy and his death and his immediate proximity to Omni Eros aka Michael Chen Thompson, and MrMentalnertia aka Ron, as well as Ian Boulton I knew this was not a suicide as was reported by a suspicious news source which linguistically ties into a human trafficking chain connecting North and South America.

Vetaliy Shklyar's death should be investigated and so should the people who were around him last.

In this video which I feel is dated inaccurately, "Eric" speaks
of killing Vetaliy, and also asking Omni Eros this question...
Ron's channel posting about "Eric" and Vetaliy ... months before his "suicide".
3 months later Vetaliy is dead ...
Omni Eros, Ron aka MrMentalnertia, and Ian Boulton....
"Hot Dog" is pedophile code ...
We find Patrick John Coleman's real name is actually Eric Durchholz...
Loves the Occult ... well those who love it more seemed to have murdered this boy ...
"Free" is a code work for "Kill" I suspect ...
Others could see who was responsible for his "death" ...
So what was his connection to this Mars program?
The Mars One programming is suspicious seeing what NASA is really about ...
We see "Ron" aka MrMentalnertia is commenting ...
These people were involved in Vetaliy's life before he "died" ...
Yes Omni Eros ... what did he tell him exactly to get him to leave "Eric",
what exactly killed him in the forest ...

 This needs to be investigated.

Youtube Pedophiles Work For F.E.M.A. (Part 1)

Seeing as I am currently pressed for time, and the forces of evil currently are trying to silence me, I will make this brief and as easy to follow as possible. 

What people have been referring to as the Mandela Effect is a very real phenomena involving Time Travel to abduct children and people.

This is Sophia Lucia aged 14 currently.
I have discussed in previous articles what this "Bubble" code is and how it is high level Satanism.
Also the code word "WILD" which connects us back to "DOC SAVAGE", another youtuber involved in pedophilia.

The "Bubble" code ties back to the Royal visit in Canada with the NEMO Bubble Fish, which connects to a place in Orleans Canada that has this imagery on the wall pretaining to Time Travel as also shown in Donnie Darko starring Jake Gyellenhall.

There is also the "Wild" code which ties back to Doc Savage and the "Tara Grace" mind control programming. This is why the "Bar Code" is so important to notice in referrence to FEMA camps.

Doc Savage (Savage-Wild) aka Ian Boulton has a Twitter account labeled "taragrace4".
This is connected to a website that has young girls behind "bars".

So this "Bar" code is significant with the pedophiles.
But how does this connect to FEMA?

Here is Sophia Lucia ... in what would appear to be a concentration camp type setting ...
This picture connects to pedophiles on youtube, FEMA, and the Mandela Effect ...

This is Mr MacCleery's channel.
He mentions FEMA camps often enough for me to piece together what this
is secretly communicating.
So is Sophia Lucia communicating "Mandela Effect" code as well?
The theme is gymnastics and fitness ... but there is more to this than meets the eye...
Now besides the AQUA TEAL pedo colour code, we have a clear connection to JIF Peanut Butter...
Pb is Lead ...
Jif is connected to SATURN, Purple Skies, a missing dinosaur and so much more weird stuff ...

At this point if you have any soul or decency you'll know what I speak of is true.

They are using Time Travel to abduct and rape and murder children and adults.

Looks like a workplace for grown men ...
so why is there a little girl dressed like this there?

The Masonic Ladder ... could it be anything else?

 Get it yet?

Youtube is Military, controlled by FEMA , by the looks of it.

So the "WILD" code connects to "SAVAGE".

We are dealing with Cannibal Pedophiles.
"Wild" at heart ... same line ...
Burial ... so who was murdered?
I want to show this because the bag looks like a lock ...
Which would connect us back to Ryder Ripps...
There is a connection here I will go into more in another article.

I expect silence as usual on this issue.
But you know I know now about what you freaks are involved in ....

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Michael Alig & PizzaGate (Part 1)

What these "people" are involved with is so disgusting and disturbing. 

It is convoluted to the extreme.

So who is Michael Alig and how could he possibly be connected to what has been coined;

Understanding that The New York Times has labelled
citizen's investigations "Conspiracy Theories" is important when
you see who else is promoted by The New York Times.

So isn't it interesting to find that not only does The New York Times run promotional pieces of Ryder Ripps; But we also have them running a piece on convicted murderer Michael Alig.

Souless Eyes...
Why does The New York Times run a piece about a murderer?
"Heroin" is code for Oxidised White Lead...
Lead is (Pb) as in Plumbers ... Pipes/Tunnels ...
Is it coincidence the symbol used by pedophiles also correlates with White Lead?
Tunnel is recurring...
So understanding "Heroin" is White Lead, we learn these people are participating
in rituals underground in Tunnels under Washington DC. 
So why is "PizzaGate" fake news while Michael Alig and Ryder Ripps are legitimate?

Now what is the Michael Alig-Macaulay Culkin connection?

Macaulay Culkin plays Michael Alig in the 2003 film Party Monsters.

I had just recently written about the pedophile "Fun" code word.

Macaulay Culkin had already been connected to PizzaGate by other researchers but no one has made the Michael Alig connection until now.

When we look closer at the "Party Monsters" NLP we see Elvira in relation to "Pinballs"
which is connected to Lead.

Is she holding Lead ?
Is this what is encoded?

As showed in previous articles, Macaulay Culkin has been used since he was a child regarding this Pizza insanity.

Could TUNA be referring to TUNNELS?
Washington DC has what seems to be a "Pizza Underground".

Now the PizzaGate scandal showed us photos of children in what would appear to be bathrooms or subway tunnels.

When you connect the Tunnel code, you will see how it ties in with Michael Alig.

So let us examine the "artwork" that schools bound naked children in subway tunnels...

Are these children in the subway tunnels?
What is the connection between Macaulay Culkin-Pizza Underground and Michael Alig?
Notice the colour code.
Same colours as the Underground Pizza food court in the subway tunnel ...
He doesn't consider himself a murderer ...
It is all code ...
Pedophilia and Cannibalism in the Subway Tunnels...
She's been doing it awhile...
This is more code.
Subway connected to Pedophilia.
New York Post is passing along code ...
 Now you have a better idea how PizzaGate is connected to Michael Alig.
Beware this person.