Friday 13 January 2017

The PizzaGate Podesta Art-Sophia Lucia Connection (Part 1)

We already have seen the Podesta art that is depicting a dead corpse in a stress position.

This same pose is seen on Cosmic Adventures Facebook page.
PizzaGate conects to Canada.
Sophia Lucia, who I wrote about briefly in a previous article, has been implicated in the PizzaGate investigation, from the point of view of being a victim.

She appears to be controlled by nefarious people who have knowledge of pedophilia and the symbols and language related to it.

"Murder Me"
Who was it that thought this up?
Tell me this isn't Podesta related ...
This connects Sophia Lucia to PizzaGate.
She was showcased on the Ellen Degeneres show in 2012 when she would have beem
10 years old ...
Notice Ellen's "ZEBRA" stripes.
Jay Park in 2014 released a song that was featured on the credits to the movie After Earth
starring Will & Jaden Smith.
The music video contains imagery that is eerily similar to Comet Pizza & Ping Pong's Basement.
I had to ask, is this supposed to represent Sophia Lucia?
We have the ladder, a masonic symbol, as well as her outfit which
matches what Sophia Lucia is wearing in a picture with a ladder.
Masonic Pedophiles.
Then there is the scene where her likeness is "sprayed" with what could only represent
sperm. She would have been 12 years old at the time of this music video.

 Sophia Lucia is connected to Ellen Degeneres, who is wearing the Zebra Stripes, as well as her image and likeness being used in Jay Park's "I Like To Party" music video, which is featured in the After Earth film.

Keep digging and there is even more horrible information to find.

 For now though, the Podesta "pose" is damning evidence enough that this girl is being used by the Illuminati.

Please help her and others in this situation by spreading this information. 

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