Thursday, 19 January 2017

What is Cinnabar? (Expanding the PizzaGate Investigation)(Part 1)

The ignorant will claim these investigating break throughs are "Dead Lead" which is hilarious once you understand how Lead Tetraoxide connects to PizzaGate.

So, how is Cinnabar connected to PizzaGate?
But first, What is Cinnabar?

Do you really think NASA found Ice on Mars ?

Cinnabar (/ˈsɪnəbɑːr/) and cinnabarite (/sɪnəˈbɑːraɪt/), likely deriving from the Ancient Greek: κιννάβαρι (kinnabari), refer to the common bright scarlet to brick-red form of mercury(II) sulfide, formula HgS, that is the most common source ore for refining elemental mercury, and is the historic source for the brilliant red or scarlet pigment termed vermilion and associated red mercury pigments.

The name comes from Ancient Greek: κιννάβαρι (kinnabari), a Greek word most likely applied by Theophrastus to several distinct substances. Other sources say the word comes from the Persian: شنگرف‎‎ shangarf (Arabicized as زنجفرة zinjifrah), a word of uncertain origin (also compare, Sanskrit सुगर sugara). 

In Latin it was sometimes known as minium, meaning also "red cinnamon", though both of these terms now refer specifically to lead tetroxide.

The pedophiles and cannibals have expanded far beyond Pizza,
we have our Cinnabar-Lead Tetraoxide code involved here as well.
We discussed symbols in a previous article regarding Pegasus Museum.
If people want to continue being ignorant, or hiding the truth,
then expect me to expose you.
It is not a "dead lead" to show there is a pyramid across the street from Pegasus Museum,
which has a children's playground infront of it.
AMOS - Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans
I was told this was also a "dead lead".
Want to know what they mean by "LEAD".

So "Zagat" reviews Comet Pizza & Ping Pong as "family friendly"...
"draws kids of all ages"...
As in what, drawing their blood?
So then Zagat's logo matches the alchemical symbol for Lead.
It is also red, so does indicate Lead Tetraoxide?


Dupont paints contain Lead.
The rainbow is a symbol of homosexuality as we all know by now...
So with the understanding of Cinnbar-Mercury Sulfate, it was probably there
would be a "Mercury Bar" located in Washington D.C. ; and there was...
Take note of its proximity to the Dupont Circle...
Floriana Mercury Grill ....
Notice the rainbow flag ...

Every detail is significant in this investigation. 

Let us look closer at Dupont Circle.

Macaulay Culkin's "Pizza Underground"
Is his band mimicking the Dupont Circle?
This image from Cosmic Adventures' Facebook page makes more
sense now in relation to Cinnabar & the Dupont Circle.
Was the symbol in DK ULTRA related to Cinnabar? Or Water ?
The Dupont Circle connects right to Comet Pizza & Ping Pong.
Dupont Circle featured an Underground Food Court and notably a Pizzeria.
The colour of which (green) is all connected to Michael Alig.
We discussed previously how Michael Alig was played by Macaulay Culkin
in Party Monsters (2003), the same Macaulay Culkin who
is in Pizza Underground, showing you the Dupont Circle.
So is it coincidence Michael Alig's pants match the colour of the Dupont Circle Pizzeria ?
Don't forget the "tiles". 
Are these subway tunnels in Washington DC the sight of child abuse/murder/cannibalism?
The Podesta "art" seems to indicate this place as a location.
Does Project Veritas ... who just disclosed DNC violence from Comet Pizza , be involved
with Dupont Circle?

Citizen Investigators are Honey Pot (Part 1)

So the pyramids on the roofs surrounding the children's playground right next to James Alefantis' Pegasus Museum and there connection to The Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans is a "Dead Lead"?

Dead Lead ...
But we won't investigate Lead Acetate ... you call yourself an investigator ?
You pathetic pedophile shit.
You have been exposed silencing the truth.

At least now I know the punk bitch claiming my investigations are not turning up anything.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans Connected to PizzaGate (Part 1)

The investigation is picking up speed.

There is now a clear AMOS 
(Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans) 
link to PizzaGate via the Black Pyramid on top of the house 
on Monroe Street.

Matching colour codes and symbols.
In the distance we have the pyramids but in front of us is the Cinnabar Lamp Post.
This cinnabar symbol has two variations it would seem.
The 33 cinnabar can be seen within this Canadian Pizza Chain's logo.
More matching colour codes.

This is Bellerophon's symbol.
Bellerophon rides Pegasus.
We can even see matching "PINK" colour codes in relation to BEL-Bellerophon
Went through the PizzaGate connections in a previous article.
Pegasus, with the Comet Pizza imagery/symbol.
Pyramids surround it on Otis and Monroe.
Pyramids on Otis.
Is it communicating Cinnabar?
Is this the "BAR" code ?
PizzaGate is here in Canada as well.

PizzaGate in Washington DC connects to 
PizzaGate in Ottawa Canada.

The Pegasus-Bellerophon-PizzaGate Connection (Part 2)

First let us take a look at Pegasus Museum in Washington D.C.

Pegasus (Ancient Greek: Πήγασος, Pḗgasos; Latin: Pegasus, Pegasos) is one of the best known creatures in Greek mythology. 

He is a winged divine stallion also known as a horse usually depicted as pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa. 

He was the brother of Chrysaor, born at a single birthing when his mother was decapitated by Perseus. Greco-Roman poets write about his ascent to heaven after his birth and his obeisance to Zeus, king of the gods, who instructed him to bring lightning and thunder from Olympus. 

Friend of the Muses, Pegasus is the creator of Hippocrene, the fountain on Mt. Helicon. 

He was captured by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allows the hero to ride him to defeat a monster, the Chimera, before realizing many other exploits.

We can clearly see the Bellerophon-Comet Pizza connection.
If James Alefantis does control Pegasus Museum, it wraps this investigation up nicely
seeing as Bellerophon rides Pegasus and the imagery is enough for one to connect it back to Comet Pizza.
Hidden in Plain Sight.
More than meets the eye.

Could there be anything in the alley way or surrounding area that connects to magic & ritual murder?

Further down we can see James Alefantis' "Pegasus Museum".
Directly behind us from this vantage point is a children's playground.

On December 21, 2016, more than 3 weeks before the Pegasus Disclosure, we had already broken the "BAR" code in relation to pedophilia. 

What looks like any ordinary neighbourhood contains so much ritual magic
people will begin spotting it in their own neighbours after seeing this.
Many are already aware of Katy Perry's connection to PizzaGate,
but few have seen her Twitter page and one of the pictures that was posted.
The "BAR" code would connect us to this recent disclousre concerning Pegasus Museum
and the Children's playground located meters away from it.
You'll see the bar code, but you'll miss the Runic symbol her body is forming.
So why is this on Katy Perry's Twitter page?

In a recent article we showed how Jay Park's I Like To Party music video contains imagery that connects it to Comet Pizza & Ping Pong.

As shown before, Jaden Smith is wearing the "BAR" code "PRISONER" stripes.

Same Green colour. Same hankerchief.
And Zebra-Prisoner stripes.

Keeping in mind James Alefantis' Pegasus Museum is located right next to a children's playground.

Opening scene from Jay Park's I Like To Party music video.
What is seen is an elevator going down to a basement had has imprisoned girls.
We noted how the elevator scene used imagery that is similar to the "Non Existant"
Comet Pizza & Ping Pong basement.
The "Kill Room" shown in the music video.
So now with the bar code established, and the children's playground right next to Pegasus,
we see how well planned all of this sick ritual rape and murder really is.
Comet Pizza's "Kill Room"
Very similar to what is shown in the music video.
The Oompa-Loompa Ping Pong scene connects again to Alefantis.

Continuing with investigating the surround area around 
Pegasus Museum turns up some very interesting finds.

The symbol of Bellerophon is extremely relevent.

Bellerophon's symbol.
Remember that Bellerophon rides Pegasus.
Take a look at this image and tell me if you can see.
If you think this connection is coincedence, then you would be incorrect.
This connection ties this whole investigation together.
The Lamppost in the shape of this ritual symbol is highly significant.
Across the street from this playground would be houses that sport pyramids on the roof.
This is the evidence we need.
The proof we were looking for, hidden in plain sight.
Just so happens to contain all the Comet Pizza logo details.
So James Alefantis-Comet Pizza-Pegasus Museum-Black Pyramids across from Pegasus,
Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans which sport a logo with parallel similarities in imagery.
You can even see the pyramid from this vantage point in front of Pegasus Museum.
Are there any more pyramids in this neighbourhood??
Looks like it.
Turquoise is a favourite colour of the child abuser.
Death is represented by it on the Jewish Tree of Life.
Nun - 24
In the background of this alchemical manuscript we see pyramids.
Is the cross simply the back alley way and the horizon is the street
where the houses with pyramids are arranged.

So why all the pyramids?
Why Cinnabar?

Could our "BAR" code refer to Cinnabar?

Colour code (Turquoise) and symbols are present.

Cinnabar has two different symbols.
We can see the ~ symbol is present within Cinnabon.
The O is an Ouraborus, and the double ~ refers to Water.
Here is another way to do Cinnabar.
Perhaps "BARACK" Obama's name encoded this very same theme.
The very same colours used in the PizzaGate art, as well as
Macaulay Culkin's Pizza Underground.
The Zebra-"Bar" code .... was it all about Cinnabar???
Some of these symbols will be right away familiar to you.
If Project Veritas is so legitimate why are they using magical symbols like
James Alefantis and his pedophile cannibal crew?
Now we know where that comes from.

So are all those pyramid houses surrounding Pegasus Museum
really communicating something about Cinnabar?
Is this the "BAR" code I stumbled onto ?
Just so happens my home city is sporting this very same "art".
I had insulted the "artist" right to his face, you could tell he wanted
to kill/eat me.

Taking a step back now, remembering Will Smith's connection to this via After Earth; where Jay Park's I Like To Party song was featured.

Will Smith is the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

So Bellerophon on one level, but commincations regarding Hydrogen on another.

The pyramid motif.
Seven's and the pyramid.
James Alefantis' other business "Besta Pizza".
Could the Vril Society be operating from behind the scenes in regards to Comet Pizza?
There is a bigger agenda at work here.
Most cannot begin to fathom it.
What should be understood is PizzaGate is more occultic and sinister than anyone has yet
to discover.
The White House...
Lead Acetate...

 This investigation is sealed.

James Alefantis is guilty 
and the conspiracy is bigger than just him.